How To Get OG Instagram Usernames | Inactive Accounts đź’Ż

Hack Of The Day!

How to Jack an OG Instagram Username:

The best possible way to acquire an inactive accounts username is to report a trademark violation;

What is a trademark violation?

Trademark violation is when someone is using a companies business name, logo or any shape or form of material that may be trademark-protected. This isn’t as difficult as it seems to do. Registering a trademark can be done in less than 90 minutes with no need of a lawyer as a common this is a common misconception. All you have to do is trademark the name of the username you’d like or something that has to be quite similar, but:

How is it done?

Firstly, find the username you’d like to use.

Next, check if this trademark hasn’t already been registered as an identical or similar trademark. This can be done here. (Trademark Electronic Search System (“TESS”) database) - (in case the link may not work or takes a long time to load).

Next, you have to register a trademark. In order to register a trademark or patent, you can find the best link here.
If approved, you have to fill out the Instagram form found here.
Please be prepared to include the trademark claim in the report - do not just claim you own the trademark with no evidence.

Submit the claim and if approved, the username will be yours. You can do this without even owning an Instagram account.

In order to do this in a more convincing manner, create a page dedicated to this “Organization” you have now “created” but this isn’t always necessary.


NOTE: It’s a hack trick, My job is to present hacks here, but I’m not responsible for anything, use it at your own risk, stay tuned for more hacks!



I have a quick question regarding trademarking your logo or brand name, is that valid for other countries apart from the U.S. ?

Thank you,
Awaiting your reply.


Hey Sam,
I have literally no clue what is the form I am supposed to fill… lol :joy::joy::joy::joy: