How To Get LinkedIn Learning Library Card

see here,

This is awesome! Thank you. :smiley:

Please what will be the organization portal

try any of these!
for me 2 years’s one works.

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Thank you so much bro!!!

Thanks a lot everyone for the support, with the 3rd link by @Yaho_Sensei and with the comment y @Byg_Bot about using google maps and using the downloader tool by ahmedayman4a in this link I am able to download courses from linkedin learning just for everyone’s knowledge. Thank you for the work done by you all

They said The Memphis Library doesn’t have access

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All good. Thank you

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worked around for only 6-7 hours. After that time when try to login with my library card number and pin, getting this error, “The information you entered is incorrect. Try again.”

What to do - any suggestions?

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Linkedin said: “Due to our continued commitment to privacy, LinkedIn doesn’t capture any personally identifiable information (PII) from patrons. Therefore, we’re unable to include names on certificates of completion.”

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that’s sad

Memphis library trick working great. Thank you.

Thanks, it worked

Thanks a lot mate it worked!!

It gets banned in 1 day so it won’t work

Which library?

90 days Library card is working. Someone gave link in comments. :smiley: use USA Vpn (I used touch vpn chrome extension)
memphis site is not loading atm.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get LinkedIn Learning Digital Library Card for Free. This is a temporary card.


  1. Go to and scroll down and click on “Get a Library Card”
  2. Use this link US Fake address generator in Washington - Random address generator , US address list to get an address.
  3. Create your account. Make sure to save the PIN for later use.

If everything goes well you will receive a Congratulation Page with your new Library Card Number

  1. After getting a Library card go to this link LinkedIn Learning Library Account Login | Formerly Lynda Library and log in with your PIN and Library Card Number.

Hope you will get your card!

Follow this video tutorial for step by step process


Thank you so much!

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Free LinkedIn Learning Using Library Card



Appreciate the share, don’t be cheap!