How To Get Discord Nitro | Tutorial

Step 1: Download the sniping pack here:
Step 2: Put the files in a folder on your dekstop or something.
Step 3: go to (Website) and make an account.
Step 4: Create a new repl, choose python and just type a random name.
Step 5: When finished drag the files from the folder on your dekstop into the repl.
Step 6: Go to .env file and change your bot token to yours and click on run.
Step 7: Copy your url at the top right.
Step 8: create an account at uptimerobot
Step 9: Click add a new monitor, follow these settings
Monitor Type: HTTP(s)
Friendly Name: (choose your own name)
URL (or IP): paste the url (check step 7)
Show ContentSpoiler:
Step 9: Click create monitor
Step 10: Join some popular discord server, because it instantly redeems it if someone send a nitro gift in the chat.

Source: nulled

Happy learning!