How To Get Cheaper Steam Games [Working]

Method working as of: 13th October.

  1. Start by downloading a VPN service of your choice.
  1. Once you have installed your desired VPN of choice. You want to start by connecting to Buenos Aires, AR **as the location we will be using today. If you do not have this location then pick anywhere withing AR (Argentina).

  2. Now you want to go to your Windows Date & Time settings and set your date & time to the City of Buenos Aires.

  3. Once Done open the Steam application and click the arrow next to your profile name in the top right corner. Then click on “Account Details”.

  4. Now you want to click the “Update Store Country” label within the account details section.

  5. You now want to change your country of residence to Argentina.

  6. Now you want to fill in the required information. You want to use an Argentina Address, simply use google to locate an address.

  7. Now that you have done that you may go ahead and purchase whatever game you want for a very cheap price!

Hope this has helped you!



Thanks a lot :+1:

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Thanks a lot brother:+1:

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