After using this for a while for myself with 100% success rate I made it into a simple guide.
Okay so first of all here is what you will need:
- PayPal account in good standing (make sure you have some genuine purchases on it)
- VPN account (Personally I use nord, you can find plenty of accounts in VPN section)
- CCleaner (use a free trial, or just download a cracked version from nulled)
- User Agent Switcher (I use this one for Chrome, you can find a version for your browser by googling “user agent switcher yourbrowsername”)
Now for the process itself:
- Head over to your paypal account and disable 2FA from it and wait a few days. If you already don’t have a 2FA then skip this step.
- Install User Agent Switcher on your browser.
- Use CCleaner and clear all of the cookies/data/residual files from your browser.
- Open Agent Switcher and change it so it looks like one of the devices you don’t usually use. (e.g. If you are a windows user, change it to mac, and vice versa)
- Now open your VPN and connect to any server close to your country. You can even use the one located in your country. And here comes the tricky part as G2A blocks most of the VPN connections. The reason why I say most is that they don’t block every single one of the servers, so the chances of finding one while slim are still possible.
- Connect to a vpn, visit g2a and check if they will allow you to make a purchase.
- If you get a server error and a message to contact their support, close your browser, run ccleaner, and change your VPN server. Do this until you are able to make a purchase
- Once you successfully found the server, note it down. Run step 7 again, but this time without disconnecting from a vpn.
- Open g2a a quickly select either the game you want, or a giftcard of high value. (Why quickly? Because you are pretending to be someone who is using someone else’s stolen credentials in order to make a purchase)
- Receive the code, redeem it.
And now the fun part starts:
- Disconnect from a vpn, run ccleaner again, disable your Agent Switcher
- Go to your paypal account
- Locate payment to g2a in recent transactions
- Click on it and report unauthorized transaction
- In the message box put something like: “Hey i just saw a payment go through from my phone but i wasn’t the one doing it please help me resolve this blah blah blah, use your SE skills”
- Expect a prompt response from PayPal. And boom you have your money back.
NOTE: The fastest it took for paypal to return me my money was 15 minutes and the longest was < 24 hours.
What to do if this fails? If you followed all of the steps it won’t. But on the small chances it does, simply contact your bank, claim paypal won’t return you the money even though the purchase wasn’t made by you. Bank always sides with customers in these types of situations.
Why do I have to disable 2fa on my PayPal? Because it drastically increases your chances of winning an unauthorized claim. If you don’t want to do it you are free to try the process without it but I cannot guarantee it will work.