How To FastVPN 1 Month | Method

  1. Connect VPN to USA
  2. Go to https://www.namechea…ASAAEgJTQ_D_BwE
  3. Click on “Get 1-month free”
  4. Confirm the order
  5. Create an account and continue (you can use a temp mail)
  6. Get the info like city, zip code and number from here https://www.fakename…-male-us-us.php
    Be sure that the Country select is United States and continue.
  7. Now check that in payment method is selected “Funds” and click on pay now



1- Connect VPN to USA
2- Go to : ( NO REF )
3- Click on “Get 1-month free”
4- Confirm the order
5- Create an account and continue (you can use a temp mail)
6- Get the info like city, zip code and number from here : https://www.fakename…-male-us-us.php
Be sure that the Country select is United States and continue.
7- Now check that in payment method is selected “Funds” and click on pay now!

ENJOY! :heart:


There is not an option for “Get 1-month free” only “Get 1-Month Plans” is there.

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Yes its only with monthly and yearly paid plan

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