How To Clean Any Product With SN/IMEI

So let’s say you refunded an iPhone and you want to use it, but you’re afraid it’s gonna get blacklisted, here is how to clean the SN/IMEI

This is a pretty simple logic, but it works so here is how to do it

  1. Go to a physical store that sells iPhone. Once you are in store, tell the vendor you want to order a new iPhone for store pickup, it must be the exact model, color and capacity.
    You’re gonna want to only order it and not buy on the spot because when they have the phone in store, they register the SN/IMEI on the receipt. By ordering a new one for in store pickup, because it comes from their warehouse and they dont have access to SN/IMEI and they cant put it on the receipt - this is crucial.

  2. You’re going to have to pay full price for this new iphone but dont worry as you will get your money back. Pay it in cash, decline their store card or any bs of the sort and never ask for fiscal number.

  3. Once phone arrives in store, go pick it up, be kind to the vendors etc etc. Dont open the phone!

  4. Later on the same day or the following day, go back to the store to return the phone, say it was for one of your family members but they thought it was too expensive or didnt like or some reason like that, ask for a refund

  5. They will check the receipt, no SN so they assume its the iphone you bought the day before, and they will refund you in original payment method (cash).

  6. Voila, you got a brand new, unflagged and unblacklistable device!

Source: nulled
