Helping me create a blog

Hey there,
I am trying to start a blog discussing about various business solutions and applications.
I am a total novice and don’t know anything about coding, neither can I spend money to get it done from a freelancer due to the impact of this covidian era. It would be really helpful if someone can help me with the same. I guess someone might already have a source code tucked away somewhere in their hard drive. I want a one pager website where I can upload my articles and create more of a library for the same.
Thank you for reading!


Wordpress is exactly what you need.

It’s a free piece of software that runs on your web server and allows you to make websites without coding. You can find detailed tutorials on YouTube.

Two other things you need to start a website are domain and hosting.

Use Domcomp (a domain registrar price comparison site) to get the best price for your domain.

For web hosting, you can look into 000webhost’s free web hosting (but it’ll be quite slow and limited), or for a paid option, I highly highly recommend SharkHosting, it’s much cheaper than any other host and super fast (they use DigitalOcean servers), only $7/year for one website.

(Edit: By WordPress I mean (the free and open-source software that’s installed on your server) and not, a freenium service that restricts most WordPress features in their free plan.)


Hey @pranavmittal611 thanks a lot for your help!

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Totally agree with @pranavmittal611. Another option would be Blogger. Both let you have free hosting and sub-domains. So you could have or Personally I would recommend WordPress. It’s pretty easy to learn to use, just look up some youtube videos.


Here is a massive FREE resource that can help.


Hey @bopuc and @Jared thanks a lot for your help!

Hi @Cartman_bruh nowadays make a website is very easy & with almost zero coding skills. I just give you some ideas about how to kick it off & the rest you can figure it out:

  1. Get domain and hosting
  2. Install WordPress (free)
  3. Login to WordPress
  4. Change Password (not compulsory)
  5. Delete defaulted Plugins (not compulsory)
  6. Chan Permalinks
  7. Update WordPress
  8. Delete Pages & Posts
  9. Install Theme (option free & premium) - there are a ton of blog themes
  10. Install Starter Sites
  11. Import Website
  12. Change Title & Tagline
  13. Create your Logo
  14. Change Homepage
  15. Add a Page
  16. Edit navigation Menu
  17. Main Website Colors & Buttons
  18. Fonts
  19. Edit Footer
  20. Sidebar
  21. Add Product / Edit (for e-commerce)
  22. Add Categories (for e-commerce)
  23. Add Shipping (for e-commerce)
  24. Add Payment Gate (for e-commerce)
  25. Get SSL
  26. Get Stripe Setup (for e-commerce)
  27. Managing Orders (for e-commerce)
  28. Reports (for e-commerce)
  29. Logout

Good luck!! :beer:


thanks a lot @rahpue for your help! really appreciate it!

Here is my WordPress website for my UX case study I spend almost 2500 rupee ($45) for getting it done. Did not require any extra effort to build this website. It only need a Webhosting + a simple WordPress theme to make your job done.


@Cartman_bruh hey bro, this is a YouTube video that is affiliate marketing, but is the same as you want for a blog. This is a step by step method.

Also bro, since you are just getting started. Please know that in the year 2020, it is not enough to have a website/blog but you also need traffic to that site.

I know this might be too much but also study keyword research, google ranking, SEO, video marketing, social media content. I suggest the guy Gary Vaynerchuk.

Cheers and good luck.

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Start your blog 100% Free
1.Get free .com domain from Yahoo
2 Get free hosting from aws
3. Free SSL from cloudflare

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