Globalwide Unlimited 4G Internet For Free | Not Tested!

Hack Of The Day!

Found somewhere really deep, I thought let me share it here so anyone can enjoy the rest! Not tested by me, you guys check and see if this SHIT gonna works :smiley: No complains.

Go to
Select the are closest to you. In my example, Europe.
Now, again, select the closest country to you. In my example, Germany.
Now select a server by clicking on “Create Username and Password” on the bottom.
In the fields enter Username and Password as you like ( Remeber them ).
Click “Create Premium Best VPN account”.
Now note the Account data somewhere.
Go to for a proxy
Search for the IP you just got. If it isnt present just pick a Proxy in the same country. Remember the ports.

Part 2 - Applying on your phone

Download the app “Http Injector” from the Play Store.…injector&hl=en
Open Hype
On the left there is a 3 - Line menu. Click it.
Click on “SSH Settings”
In these settings use the info you got in Part 1 - Step 7.
SSH Host: The IP. In my case,
SSH Port: 22
Usename: Your username. In my case,
Password: Your password. In my case, hunter2.

Go back to the main page.
Click the menu again.
Go to “Payload Generator”
This is the part where you need to try what works for you. The basic configuration will follow, in case it doesnt work just google or contact me on Discord.
Basic configuration:
Extra Header (Tick): Online Host, Forward Host, Keep Alive

Click “Generate Payload”
Now you should be on the main page again and the payload should be generated.
Below the payload there should be a line “Remote Proxy”. Click it.
Fill in the details from Part 1 - Step 9. In my example, [url=…
Click Save
Click Start on the main page.
Go to log on the top to see if your connected or whats going on.



anyone tried this yet? :blush:

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been tryin this method for more than a year though its not totally free 'coz you still need to buy package promo for your SIM but I save a lot of money on this.


can you guide us more about everythings like bucks(money) and where can we get the SIM, please?

How did you save your money on this method?

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It gives an error, cannot connect to server. please guide me, I am using china server and India server

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Could you please tell us the speed and amount of data that we can get for free using this trick???

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how much ?

Sorry but I can’t go through details 'coz we are from different countries and different telcos, the payload is different and that’s the hard part to explain to you guys. I just followed the tutorial from youtube. Kindly search for Http Injector tutorial in google. Good luck!

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Not Tested

please check your remote proxy if it is alive by going to

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