Get Google 3D AR Animals to appear in your phone camera to ur living Space

This is a new a Google feature, You can see some animals on your living space right in front of you
Its super Fun, Cool things to try, Cherry on top for kids

For iOS

  • Launch the browser on your Mobile phone
  • Search for an animal of your choice
  • Scroll down to the section that Says you to “Meet a life-sized version of that animal up close”.
  • Tap ‘View in 3D’
  • Tap ‘View in your space’ to launch your phone camera.
  • If this is your first time trying the AR animals feature, tap Give access, then allow the prompt to ‘allow Google permission to access photos, media and files on your device’
  • You will be instructed to point your phone camera to the ground to give the app an idea of the space available
  • The animal should then appear in front of you in augmented reality.

For Android users