If you’re still up to some Office 365 accounts for free, decode this on base64decode:
Outlook is disabled so you won’t be able to use it for spam
Onedrive is enabled. For now…
Just fill the first name, last name and username. it will generate an ID with a password that you’ll be able to change.
So firstly visit this website: https://ms.jim9527.workers.dev/
Proof of working
Then click on “GET NOW” (you can use google translator)
Then fill out the form as you can see on this image:
and then click on this button (image):
Then it will tell you your microsoft office password & email so you can just simply log into your account on office.com/login :
It’ll ask you to change your password, just simply do it and then you will need to wait 30 minutes before using it, it wouldn’t work if you’d use it right after creation.
Previous thread posted by @Abdelilah109 has been merged to this thread as this one stays old!