[GET] Audible Premium 30 Days

Audible Premium. :partying_face:
Unlimited Accounts!

IP : Germany
Link : https://www.audible.de/
Click on Try for 30 Days

Use : Yahoo, Protonmail,or Fakemail ( Please don’t use gmail)

Create & Verify Your Account

Open this site!

Use fake name & other Info from this above site.
Whiling Filling form on Amazon
choose bankeinzug from Zahlungsmittel wahein from first option
PLZ : postal code
and others are pretty much self explanatory

Create Account!
You get 1 Credits Per account, Create Accounts as per your needs!

Enjoy :heart:


not working…

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It’s working. I just recently created a new account. Thank you so much.

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Thanks ever so much! It’s working.

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Thankyou so much

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Thanks it works for me.

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Want to fill in phone number?

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were you able to create account using this method?

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Audiobooks should start having transcripts/subtitles :sweat_smile:

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Another tip, you can rip an audiobook and refund and get your single credit back, you can keep on doing this as many times as you want. Amazon won’t flag it or anything.

Stripping it of the DRM right, and then refunding it. Yep it works.

I was able to make an account. But in the end, when I bought a book using a credit it flagged my account (said your payment info is not correct and didn’t let me log in at all).

how to get a fake phone SMS

I used twilio.(all those publicly available numbers are already registered) (like if this helps)