FSF Sends Microsoft A Blank Hard Drive For Sending Back The Windows 7 Source Code

The Free Software Foundation sent Microsoft a hard drive for Valentine’s Day – along with a petition calling for the release of the source code for Windows 7 (which is no longer supported by Microsoft):

It’s as easy as copying the source code, giving it a license notice, and mailing it back to us. As the author of the most popular free software license in the world, we’re ready to give them all of the help we can. All they have to do is ask.

We want them to show exactly how much love they have for the “open source” software they mention in their advertising. If they really do love free software – and we’re willing to give them the benefit of the doubt – they have the opportunity to show it to the world. We hope they’re not just capitalizing on the free software development model in the most superficial and exploitative way possible: by using it as a marketing tool to fool us into thinking that they care about our freedom.

Together, we’ve stood up for our principles. They can reject us, or ignore us, but what they cannot do is stop us. We’ll go on campaigning, until all of us are free.