Few websites started showing Error message - Don't let me browse

Hello Friends,

From last few days, a few websites started showing this error message and don’t let me browse:

Here is the text:
“Failed to load data.
Try a different browser.”

I prefer to use Firefox (due to privacy) unlike Chrome (as its own by Google and google itself is spy)
I use addons like uBlock origin etc…
In order to get rid of this error and bypass this I also tried universal bypass, Adskip, Adguard Adblocker and also used a few custom filters but none of them seem to fix the issue.

FYI: I didn’t post those site links which are causing the issue because it may be not allowed to post links. If moderator allows me then I’d gladly post those site links which are showing error so that you see it yourself

So I fionally went deep into the matter and found all these sites are using this same Javascript:

“document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”,(function(){if(void 0!==window.mdpDeBlockerDestroyer)return;function disableTextSelection(t){void 0!==t.onselectstart?t.onselectstart=function(){return!1}:void 0!==t.style.MozUserSelect?

,a.innerHTML=mdpDeBlocker.content,a.style.color=mdpDeBlocker.text_color,o.appendChild(a),disableTextSelection(document.body),disableContextMenu(),disableHotKeys(),disableDeveloperTools()}),mdpDeBlocker.timeout)}function adsBlocked(t){let e=new Request(“https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js",{method:“HEAD”,mode:"no-cors”});fetch(e).then((function(t){return t})).then((function(e){t(!1)})).catch((function(e){t(!0)}))}window.mdpDeBlockerDestroyer=!0,adsBlocked((function(t){t?showModal():document.getElementById(“mdp-deblocker-ads”)||showModal()}))}),!1);”

I did some research and found that javscript is related to:

which is causing this issue. I added a filter to bypass this but didn’t work!

Friends, do you have any idea how to bypass this and start browsing those few sites again!

Thanks in advance!

You got so many ad blocker installed, Try disable adguard first and see. if nothing change, run firefox in safe mode(all addons and setting will be temporary disable).

Try blocking cookies!!

I tried to disable Adblock and then other two but it didn’t work.
I didn’t run FF in safe mode because in that case all the addons which r so crucial to protect privacy (not talking about adblocker) but canvas blocker etc will be disabled as well.

Tried that, didn’t work!
Thanks anyway :slight_smile:

Use this instead of any ad blocker, It’s working for me on those websites with this type of errors.

I installed it but it doesn’t work:

  1. In fact this addon AdNauseam doesn’t even block/bypass those sites which Universal bypass does.
    I tested it.

  2. Secondly, as far as those specific sites are concerned which are causing trouble these days AdNauseam also doesn’t work for them.

If you wish I can PM u those specific sites which are causing issues these days!!!

Anyways thanks a lot!