Download clean, untouched Windows ISO files Repository | Original released on My Visual Studio

Windows Disc Image Repository

This repository holds clean, untouched Windows operating system disc image files (ISOs) which were originally released on My Visual Studio.

If you’re in need for some ISO files that you can’t find here, you can request them on our Discord server:

Refer to the README.MD within each subfolder for more information regarding the resouces available in the respective folders.


Timing is impeccable bud! Cheers x


Awesome job, Prometheus.

“error”: {
“errors”: [
“domain”: “global”,
“reason”: “downloadQuotaExceeded”,
“message”: “The download quota for this file has been exceeded.”
“code”: 403,
“message”: “The download quota for this file has been exceeded.”

What do you mean by miscellaneous files here.
And i would like to know that they’re original and fully updated iso?? right ??

Thanks buddy… You did great work. I even shared your link and article to my fb and twitter page as well…

If only he was involved in that project…

Thanks for share mate

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I might need these, have they been crossed check for BIOS vulnerabilities?