Script to enroll in available Udemy Paid/Free courses having coupons automatically to your Udemy account. Just run it google Colab and wait.
Google account
Then if you ever want to run it again.
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Works beautifully. Click on the link that are generated to apply coupon and enroll for free.
There’s a GUI Version of this if anybody wants it. Click on @Techtanic’s profile and then click on the github link.
It all started on the 4th of November 2020, I was tired of enrolling in courses manually. So I searched google like a normal person. I came across this, then I used it as a base to implement a GUI to it. He probably has a tough time right now so he stopped working on it. By now around 97% of the code in the GUI is re-written to fix and improve things. Hats off to Ammey Saini for his effort which saved me the time of digging for API.