❌ Discontinuation of YouTube, Spotify & Crunchyroll upgrade service | Replacement Available | Claim it!

Sadly, we have to inform our buyers that we have to discontinue our YouTube, Spotify & Crunchyroll upgrade service! :x:

We have tried our best to keep the upgrades on track, but the website’s algorithm & security have become more robust.

During this period, we wasted many of our CC’s & got tremendous loss purchasing new stuff to keep the upgrades as quick as possible, but these three services had to end. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

  • But, don’t worry! We will continue the support!

  • We cannot provide you a refund for various reasons, but we can give you a replacement!

Buyers who have purchased will get a replacement from the shop. Below is the list of accounts you can claim instead of your YouTube, Spotify & Crunchyroll order!

The warranty period will be 1 Year! :white_check_mark:

Streaming & Music & Tv

| — | — | — |
|#|iTV Premium||
|6|Directv All Packages||
|7|SlingTV All Packages||
|10|PlexTv Premium||
|12|UFC TV||
|13|AcornTv Premium||
|17|NHL TV||
|18|LifeTime movieClub||
|23|Dazn Premium||
|25|NBC Gold||
|26|NBA International||
|27|NFL Gamepass||
|28|NFL Sunday Ticket||
|30|HBO Now||
|31|Tidal HI-FI||
|38|Starz US||
|39|RMC Sports||
|41|Animedigital network||
|45|Shudder Premium||
|46|MLB TV||
|50|MUBI Pro|

VPNS & Education

| — | — | — |
|2|Speedify Vpn||
|21|Sololearn pro||
|22|Cymaths Pro||

Filehost & Antivirus & Others

| — | — | — |
|11|DaemonTools Pro||
|12|WeMod Premium||

Your choice to support our small business is tremendously important to all of us, & we look forward to seeing you continue the regular interaction with our other services.

Team Mr.Brilliant