DigitalOcean | Start Your Free Trial With A $200 Credit For 60 Days ⭐

DigitalOcean | Start Your Free Trial With A $200 Credit For 60 Days :star:

Get $200 to try DigitalOcean – and do all the below for free!

Build apps, host websites, run open source software, learn cloud computing, and more – every cloud resource you need at an affordable price.

Things you can do on DigitalOcean with the $200 trial offer

Build web applications

Create up to 10 different Basic Droplets to run simple web applications.

Test a production-quality web application for up to 60 days utilizing General Purpose Droplets, CDN through Spaces Object Storage, Load Balancers, Volumes Block Storage, and DigitalOcean Managed Databases.

Run 10 apps for 60 days using a fully managed PaaS environment.

Build a container-based application

Experience a real-world Kubernetes environment by deploying a cluster.

Host website(s)

Create up to 10 different Basic Droplets with various CMS packages (WordPress, Ghost etc.) and run multiple websites.

Run up to 15 static sites.

Run open source applications

Explore up to 7 different kinds of popular and powerful open source software, including VPN, Mattermost, Minecraft, and much more – utilizing robust General Purpose Droplets.


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