Courses by Upgrad with certification

Note: You will have lifelong access to courses but certification is only available till june with full access. You will receive certificate within 30 days of completion.

Topics include
Management Essentials : Communication Masterclass, Marketing Masterclass, Economics Masterclass.

Getting Started with Digital Marketing: Fundamentals of Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing, Web Analytics.

Business Analytics Starter Pack : Jargon Busting, Understanding Business Problem and Formulating Hypothesis, Anatomy of Decisions, Data Analysis in Excel, Analysing Patterns and Storytelling, EDA (Excel).

Python for Data Science : Intro to Python, Programming using Python, Python Libraries, EDA.

Introduction to Machine Learning Concepts : Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Clustering, Recommender Systems.

Introduction to Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing : Maths for Data Analysis, Intro to Deep Learning, Introduction to Natural Language Processing.

Introduction to Blockchain:Blockchain Basics, Blockchain features.

Getting started with Java Programming: Variables and Datatypes, (Conditionals, Loops & Functions), Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Abstraction and Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism.

Getting Started with Frontend Development : Basics of JavaScript, Advanced JavaScript.

Blockchain Development with Ethereum : Blockchain Basics, Blockchain Features, Smart Contract Development in Ethereum.

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Thanks @Aniket_Rodge

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