Coursera Corona Virus Initiative - Coursera For Campus Free 3800 Courses For Universities Impacted By Corona (Only Universities Or Teacher Can Get Access And They Can Provide It To Their Students)

Hello Fellas :heart:

Coursera is providing free access to universities with there coursera for campus program who’re impacted by corona virus, Only a Teacher or University can grant access to you so if you’re a student or currently enrolled in any university just ask your teacher or university to link into this.

Below Is The LInk :white_check_mark:

Updated Direct Form Link :white_check_mark:


Anyone having problems in accessing the form? I can’t access it

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Me too i don t know how to register

Brother My UNIVERSITY got access to the stuffs… now how the students will get access … will they have to ask the teachers… or anything else ?

@Pawan_Kumar My university got it too we all have our university edu email so they created a google request form and sent it to students to fill it or request for it so they only accepted students with their edu email and when the request was accepted by university they would send a invitation link to student whose request has been accepted and you have to join through that link.

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