[BROKEN] [BOT] [Exclusive] ProtonVPN Plus Trial Generator


ProtonVPN Trial Generator is a Python Bot/Script that makes use of Selenium to genearate trial accounts. Additonally it can scrape HideMy.name for free proxies.


  1. Chrome
  2. Python
  3. Selenium


  1. Download Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/
  2. Install Python: https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/installation/#installation-guides
  3. Upgrade pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#upgrading-pip
  4. Install requests: pip install requests
  5. Install Selenium: pip install selenium
  6. Run Bot/Script: python trial_gen.py

Bugs so far

  • I haven’t tested on Mac as I don’t own a machine with one, please try and reply if you face any issues, I will try my best to fix. :wink:
  • Proxies don’t work most of the times, I am sorry, I don’t have control over this and hence can’t help, check Note section for a Tip :slight_smile:


  • Pro Tip: Proxies fail a lot, better to select no for proxy and generate an account, use that account to connect to any server in ProtonVPN and generate any number of accounts, they can’t block you because they can’t block their own IP. (I think, correct me if I’m wrong.:slight_smile: )
  • Watch topic to be notified of updates.
  • If you can’t get python or pip command to work on windows, please see this guide: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects/using-pip-on-windows/4


  • You are not allowed to upload this tool anywhere on the Internet. If you do wanna share it, you can only do so by linking to this post. ( I love this community and would love for it to grow :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: )

By using this provided material the website 1Hack.us or I, the owner of this post and tool are not responsible for any law infringement caused by the users of this material.

Downloads (Google Drive)


  • 20-02-2020
  1. One script to rule them all platforms. ( You can run the same script on all the platforms now.)
  2. Fix for list index out of range while using proxies.
  3. Fix deprecation warning for chrome options.
  4. Improve if conditions, Thanks @kornbolt for the tip.
  5. Other minor improvements.

Thank you, nice one! :+1: :dancer:


Thank you pal, this is a GEM! You have git repo as well? :hugs:


Thought of creating it, but didn’t. Would you like me to create one? That would defeat the purpose of exclusiveness though. :slight_smile:


Thank you man, no need Git, let it be exclusive for 1Hackers! :partying_face:

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You are not allowed to upload this tool anywhere on the Internet.

I am Agree
vote for Agree

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I tried it on a friends windows machine, it has some path problems, will fix and upload the fixed version, Sorry. If anyone is familiar with python and selenium, you can surely edit and upload as a reply.

Thank you.


You need requests module as well, forgot, added now to instructions.

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Still doesn’t work unfortunately :cry:

Sorry, it hasn’t been fixed yet, please wait until tomorrow.

Since you all are eager to try the bot, I have applied a temporary fix for windows from my phone, if it doesn’t work, please wait until tomorrow, I’ll have a proper fix for you.

Update: Fix is working. Enjoy!

Thank you.


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Did anyone try the fix?

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I’m using Windows, and downloaded Wpy64, which seems to be a portable version of Python.

So, I followed your steps and the script runs but doesn’t create an email. It starts by asking if I want to use a proxy, I say no, then the scripts starts “generating temp email” but gives this error:

@accounts1github Are you using Chrome 80.0.x and also, are you sure you have chromedriver.exe in the folder?

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I do have chromedriver.exe in the same folder where trial_gen.py is located.

As for Chrome, I use a portable version. Not sure if that’s the issue?

@accounts1github Yes, please install normal version.


Holy crap. It almost worked.

After running the script, everything else is automated, chrome opens up windows creating a temp email, and it also registers on prot0nvp.com.

The only problem was the code verification email sent from Protonvpn didn’t arrived at the temp mail.

Please wait a min or so to get code, after that you have to type code manually and click verify and you’re all done. :slight_smile:

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