[BOT] For Chabot College .EDU mail | Get Gdrive unlimited |


Just a simple bot to Create Chabot College edu mail
Download Chabot script

My experience with these comunity college say! use some good quality VPN
where location is nearby college or nearby state…
long story short use VPN


  1. Chrome
  2. Python
  3. Selenium
  4. USA VPN


  1. Download Chrome: https://www.google.com/chrome/
  2. Install Python: https://docs.python-guide.org/starting/installation/#installation-guides
  3. Upgrade pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/#upgrading-pip
  4. Install Selenium: pip install selenium
  5. Run Bot/Script: python run_me.py

Bugs so far

Not yet detected…but please report if you found any!

Proof of Work

Recommend us the college whose bot you want here.


Amazing content

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Bro update link, server is down add mirror
And thank you i will let u know the update once i get something from it :blush:

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finally you did it :innocent:
good job …but link is nott working



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Worked 2 accounts in a row. Waiting for approval. Thank you ! :slight_smile:

After i got confirmation mail which link i have to open bro

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Got an error like this.Please help me. I might have missed somethig. Thank you.

Please ignore the error in second picture. There I manually clicked Sign in as nothing was seemed to be happening from the bot.

In title you said “Get Gdrive unlimited”, but how to get Gdrive? After everything is successfuly finished, what now? Thanks

no chance of getting Gdrive …unless you get Acceptance Letter first!

we need to wait for the acceptance email without accessing the links and registering for anything?

any idea how much time it would take to approve , its been 2 days and I didn’t receive any confirmation :frowning:

how to run script
i had chrome
python installed 3.8
pip installed pip-20.0.2
selenium installed
conected USA Express vpn
how to run chabot script please guide help

yes finally i created successfully .edu mail
Congratulations on successfully creating your OpenCCC Account.
Got the email

Currently the college is closed due to Corona. I received a mail saying my application will be processed after college reopens.


Bro i got this mail can u tell me why did i get this

Which VPN are u using and from which place can u tell us
So that we can use that place for making .edu mail

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Ok everything work perfectly but I didn’t got confirmation email. It’s been two days now.

after how many days you got your email…?

I got the confirmation mail, now how do i proceed to obtain .edu email ?