BabySploit is a penetration testing toolkit aimed at making it easy to learn how to use bigger,
more complicated frameworks like Metasploit. With a very easy to use UI and toolkit, anybody
from any experience level will find use out of BabySploit. Below are some screenshots of the framework.
Installation Instructions:
Using Pip
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install exploitdb netcat nmap perl php7.0
# on macOS
brew install exploitdb netcat nmap perl
pip3 install babysploit
In order to use search
command you must follow steps here to install the searchsploit binary!
Building From Source
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install exploitdb netcat nmap perl php7.0
# on macOS
brew install exploitdb netcat nmap perl
git clone
cd BabySploit/
python3 install
Docker Run Command
docker run --rm -idt --name babysploit xshuden/babysploit # container is deleted when you're done
docker run -idt --name babysploit xshuden/babysploit
Getting Started:
Setting Configuration Values:
BabySploit uses ConfigParser in order to write and read configuration. Your config file is automatically generated and located at ./babysploit/config/config.cfg
. You can manually change configuration settings by opening up the file and editing with a text editor or you can use the set command to set a new value for a key. Use the set command like so:
set rhost
>> Enter Value For rhost: 10
>> Config Key Saved!
If before running this command the rhost key had a value of 80, the rhost key after running this command has a value of 10. You can also add configuration variables to the config by using the set command with a new key after it like so:
set newkey
>> Enter Value For newkey: hello
>> Config Key Saved!
Before running this there was no key named βnewkeyβ. After running this you will have a key named βnewkeyβ in your config until you use the reset
command which resets the saved configuration.
Running A Tool
In order to run a tool all you have to do is enter the name of the tool into BabySploit. You can use the tools
command to display a menu with all the currently available tools. If we run tools we get the depiction:
this depiction may be outdated
This menu will display the tools available and the description of each tool. To run a tool simply enter the tool name into BabySploit. Ex: ftpbruteforce
- runs the ftpbruteforce tool.
Features (Current, In The Works, Planned):
Visit project board for tools.
- Information Gathering
- Exploitation
- Post Exploitation
- Bruteforcing
- Phishing
- Cryptography/Stenography
Information Gathering:
- Nmap
- IP Info
- Tcpdump (In The Works)
- Datasploit (In The Works)
- Censys Lookup
- DNS Lookup
- Raccoon
- Cloudflare Bypasser
- Searchsploit
- ReverseShell Wizard
- FTP Buffer Overflow Scan
- WPSeku WordPress Vuln Scanner
Post Exploitation:
- In The Works
- FTP Bruteforcer
- WPSeku WordPress Login Bruteforce
- BlackEye Python
- MetaKiller
- PDFMeta