Are you concerned about personal data? Hide the particular drive using cmd

Today I’m gonna share something which would save your life.

Imagine a situation where you have to share your computer or your laptop and you don’t want your personal data to be seen by the other guy.

Here’s a solution. First of all you need to save all your personal data into a single volume/disk.

Say you save all your data on Disk F.

There’s a way you can hide the particular drive using cmd.

  1. Open cmd

  1. Now type the following command(diskpart) as shown.

  1. One window will pop up which would ask your permission. Simply tap on Yes. After that type list volume as shown in the pic. All the volumes/disk will appear on your screen.

  1. As you can see below all the volume all now listed. Now type select volume 0, which happens to be your disk F.

  1. After selecting the disk type remove , which will remove your selected volume.

Now close all the tabs and open This PC. Now that particular disk won’t be showing there.

To bring back the removed disk do the same process until step 4. After re-selecting your volume 0 type assign . The removed disk will be back again.

I’ll suggest to apply this idea only when it’s highly needed as assigning and removing may harm the disk system.

Note. After removing the disk any file which happened to resite won’t be accessible until you mount it again.