All In One Instagram MyIGBot | Like, follow, comment, view & much more!

MyIGBot Build Status

MyIGBot is a Instagram Private API to like, follow, comment, view & intaract with stories, upload post & stories, get all information about a user/posts and get posts based on locations/hashtags.

  • Easy to use
  • More Powerful Now
  • 2FA Login Support

New Features!

  • Get information of a user/post.
  • Get posts based on hashtag/location.
  • It also supports proxy now.
  • Added 35+ features on this update.

You can also:

  • Send Story Views
  • Like, Unlike, Comment in a Post
  • Follow, Unfollow User
  • Upload Post and Stories
  • Intaract with Stories
  • Cookie Storing Feature


MyIGBot uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Python - Python is an interpreted, high-level and general-purpose programming language
  • Requests - to make HTTP requests simpler
  • BeautifulSoup - is a Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents.

And of course MyIGBot itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.


Install MyIGBot from PyPi

$ pip install myigbot


Here is how to use MyIGBot (you can also check

Login Process (if you’re account has 2 Factor Auth. The Bot Will Ask You The Code.)

from myigbot import MyIGBot bot = MyIGBot(‘USERNAME’, ‘PASSWORD’)

Like post

response =‘’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Unlike post

response = bot.unlike(‘’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Like Recent post

response = bot.like_recent(‘instagram’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Comment on post

response = bot.comment(‘’, comment_text=‘Nice Post!’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Comment on recent post

response = bot.comment_recent(‘instagram’, comment_text=‘Nice Post!’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Follow user

response = bot.follow(‘instagram’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Unfollow user

response = bot.unfollow(‘instagram’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Send story view

response = bot.story_view(‘b31ngdev’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Upload post

response = bot.upload_post(‘image.png’, caption=‘Image 1’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Upload Story

response = bot.upload_story(‘image2.png’) print(response) # if the response code is 200 that means ok

Find posts with hashtags

response = bot.hashtag_posts(‘programmershumor’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 20, this is a optional parameter

Find posts with location

response = bot.location_posts(‘’, limit=20) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 20, this is a optional parameter

User post count

response = bot.user_posts_count(‘instagram’) print(response)

User follower count

response = bot.user_followers_count(‘instagram’) print(response)

User follow count

response = bot.user_follow_count(‘instagram’) print(response)

Post like count

response = bot.like_count(‘’) print(response)

Post comment count

response = bot.comment_count(‘’) print(response)

Get every post’s link of a user

response = bot.user_posts(‘instagram’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 50, this is a optional parameter

List of username who followed the user

response = bot.user_followers(‘instagram’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 50, this is a optional parameter

List of username whom the user follows

response = bot.user_follows(‘instagram’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 50, this is a optional parameter

List of username who liked a post

response = bot.post_likers(‘’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 50, this is a optional parameter

List of username who commented a post

response = bot.post_commenters(‘’, limit=50) print(response) # by default the limit is setted to 50, this is a optional parameter

Feed posts of logged in user

response = bot.feed_posts() print(response)

Username of the post owner

response = bot.post_owner(‘’) print(response)

Get caption of a post

response = bot.post_caption(‘’) print(response)

Get location of a post

response = bot.post_location(‘’) print(response)

Get hashtags used in the post

response = bot.post_hashtags(‘’) print(response)

Get usernames who are tagged in a post

response = bot.post_tagged_user(‘’) print(response)

Get HD quality Profile Picture download link

response = bot.user_dp(‘instagram’) print(response)

Get bio of a user

response = bot.user_bio(‘instagram’) print(response)

Find the account is private or not

response = bot.private_user(‘instagram’) print(response)

Find the account is verified or not

response = bot.verified_user(‘instagram’) print(response)

Get external url of a username

response = bot.user_external_url(‘instagram’) print(response)

Find the user follows you or not

response = bot.follows_me(‘instagram’) print(response)

Find you follow the user or not

response = bot.followed_by_me(‘instagram’) print(response)

Get video views count

response = bot.video_views_count(‘’) print(response)

Get post type (video or picture)

response = bot.post_type(‘’) print(response)

Get exact time when the post was posted

response = bot.post_time(‘’) print(response)


Here is how to add proxy

Method For Authenticated Proxies

from myigbot import MyIGBot proxies = { ‘http’: ‘user:pass@host:port’, ‘https’: ‘user:pass@host:port’ } bot = MyIGBot(‘USERNAME’, ‘PASSWORD’, proxy=proxies)

Method For Non-Authenticated Proxies

from myigbot import MyIGBot proxies = { ‘http’: ‘host:port’, ‘https’: ‘host:port’, } bot = MyIGBot(‘USERNAME’, ‘PASSWORD’, proxy=proxies)


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Free Software, Hell Yeah!