70-150$ per day real money no bullshit BTC Faucet


The script doesn’t run when there are ads covering the screen. Any idea on how to fix it?
Also I appreciate what you’re doing for us, sharing, makes you feel good, isn’t it?
Last question, have you been able to cash out? As it seems far away, 0.049BTN.

Someone posted somethign like this with similar things. I think the web site was lootbits man I did all the shit after a certain level of amount the value in your account just keeps decreasing. I am sure the amount of BTC I earned must have turned to dust by now. Lmao


Ok listen me!!
Open the link Lootbits.io
Scroll down to the bottom right and click ToS
Scroll down to section 8 and read it…

you will understand everything.!.

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