50 ɦȺȻʞɉȠɢ e-Books

  1. Modern Web Penetration Testing 2016.pdf
  2. Metasploit Toolkit – Syngress.pdf
  3. Metasploit Toolkit – Presentation.pdf
  4. Metasploit, Penetration Testers Guide.pdf
  5. Network Attacks and Exploitation.pdf
  6. Network Performance and Security.pdf
  7. Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
  8. Buffer Overflow Attacks.pdf
  9. Cracking Passwords Guide.pdf
  10. CEH v9 Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9.pdf
  11. Fun With EtterCap Filters.pdf
  12. Hacking Exposed – Linux 3rd Edition.pdf
  14. Pest Control – Taming the RATS.pdf
  15. Phishing Dark Waters.pdf
  16. The Basics of Hacking and Penetration.pdf
  17. The Basics of Web Hacking – Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web(2013).pdf
  18. Web App Hacking (Hackers Handbook).pdf
  19. Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux.pdf
  20. Wireshark for Security Professionals 2016.pdf
  21. Reverse Engineering for Beginners.pdf
  22. SQL Injection Attacks and Defense.pdf
  23. Seven Deadliest Network Attacks.pdf
  24. Seven Deadliest USB Attacks.pdf
  25. Seven Deadliest Web Application Attacks.pdf
  26. The Art of Invisibility 2017.pdf
  27. The 60 Minute Network Security Guide, National Security Agency.pdf
  28. Honeypots and Routers_ Collecting Internet Attacks.pdf
  29. Exploiting Format String Vulnerabilities.pdf
  30. Essential Skills for Hackers.pdf
  31. Erickson, Jon – Hacking – The Art of Exploitation.pdf
  32. Eldad Eilam – Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering – Wiley 2005.pdf
  33. DEFCON-24-Thomas-Wilhelm-Intrusion-Prevention-System-Evasion-Techniques.pdf
  34. DEFCON-24-Ulf-Frisk-Direct-Memory-Attack-the-Kernel.pdf
  35. DEFCON-24-Fitzpatrick-and-Grand-101-Ways-To-Brick-Your-Hardware.pdf
  36. DEFCON-24-Chapman-Stone-Toxic-Proxies-Bypassing-HTTPS-and-VPNs.pdf
  37. DEFCON-24-Brad-Dixon-Pin2Pwn-How-to-Root-An-Embedded-Linux-Box-With-A-Sewin
  38. Needle.pdf
  39. DEFCON-24-Anto-Joseph-Fuzzing-Android-Devices.pdf
  40. 501 Website Hacking Secrets.pdf
  41. Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017.pdfA Beginners Guide To Hacking Computer Systems.pdf
  42. Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python.pdf
  43. Attacking_the_DNS_Protocol.pdf
  44. Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide – Baloch, Rafay.pdf
  45. OWASP_Stammtisch_Frankfurt_WAF_Profiling_and_Evasion.pdf
  46. OWASP_Testing_Guide_v4.pdf
  48. PGP & GPG, E-Mail for the Practical and Paranoid.PDF
  49. Penetration Tester’s Open Source Toolkit.pdf
  50. Practical Linux Security Cookbook.pdf

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