$20 πŸ’š Grammarly for Education | 1 Year Premium Group Buy Accounts

Official website: grammarly.com/edu

:tada: Only $20 One-Time Fee for 1 Year! :tada:

  • :desktop_computer: Grammarly for Windows

  • :iphone: Grammarly for Mobile

  • :globe_with_meridians: Grammarly for Chrome

  • :fox_face: Grammarly for Firefox

  • :star2: Comprehensive AI-Powered Writing Assistance: Grammarly enhances writing skills for students, faculty, and staff by providing real-time feedback across the entire writing process.

  • :pen: Built-In Guidance: Get custom feedback and strategic AI assistance that helps with brainstorming, revising, and citing sources, ensuring a smoother writing journey.

  • :lock: Enterprise-Grade Security: Institutions can rely on Grammarly’s strong security measures, including 256-bit AES encryption and compliance with GDPR and CCPA, to protect their data.

  • :briefcase: Prepares for the Workforce: By improving communication skills, Grammarly helps students become more prepared for the AI-driven workforce of the future.

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Customizable AI Features: Institutions have control over generative AI capabilities, deciding who has access, ensuring responsible and secure AI integration.

  • :desktop_computer: Seamless Integrations: Grammarly works across platforms like Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and more, helping students and staff write better wherever they are.

  • :bar_chart: Analytics & Admin Controls: Track progress, manage user permissions, and monitor institutional performance through intuitive dashboards and admin controls.

  • :mortar_board: Trusted by Top Institutions: Over 3,000 institutions, including Stanford, MIT, and USC, rely on Grammarly to elevate student writing and professional communication skills.

Why Join?

    • Official Monthly Price for both AI: $30 plus taxes and fees. :sob:
      • Official Yearly Price for both AI Combine: $144 plus taxes and fees. :fearful:
  • Our Price: $20 one-time for 1 year. :dancing_women::dancer:t2::clinking_glasses::tada:

:money_mouth_face: Save hundreds of dollars every year! :money_mouth_face:

What You’ll Get:

This is a group buy! :handshake:

We are not selling anything. We just buy expensive services together to make them cheaper. :moneybag:

After purchase, we share the accounts. :shopping:

If you don’t understand, please read the group buy thread. If it’s still confusing, you shouldn’t join. :open_book::mag:

  • Please Note: This is a group buy, so the accounts are shared among members. In the future, if one AI stops working, we may switch to a different premium AI model like we did now.


:question: Q: How does it work? Is it a private account?
:a: A: No, you’ll get access to shared Grammarly for Education accounts. Just log in and enjoy the premium features!

:question: Q: Can I change the account details?
:a: A: No, changing account details is not allowed and may result in losing access. Stick to using the accounts individually.

:question: Q: Why is it called 1 year access?
:a: A: It’s a one-time payment for access, and we will continue to renew the accounts for as long as possible.


:no_entry_sign: No changing account details
:arrows_counterclockwise: No replacements because it’s a group buy, nothing illegal
:no_entry_sign: No sharing or reselling the account
:desktop_computer: Maximum 2 devices: 1 desktop/laptop and 1 smartphone


:envelope_with_arrow: Discord DM me srzbackup1 or Telegram https://t.me/lihuachan to secure your spot!

Send a message on the Chat here :point_right: @SRZ

Even if I’m offline, feel free to send the payment. I’ll check it once I’m back online!

I’m usually online once a day, sometimes twice, but my workload is pretty heavy. Thanks for understanding! :computer::date:

:fire: Don’t miss out on this amazing deal! :fire:


Super fast Delivery!. Thank you so much. Working as expected.


Super quick, pleasent, affordable and works a treat!


Excellent and affordable service thanks

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Very good product. Most important for people making error in english and wants to improve their english language.


Product received and working fine.


Are there any spots left and who do we contact?

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And for work it helps a lot too:)